Welcome to

The Deep Waves Music
Partners Hub.

Welcome to the Partners Hub, your one-stop destination for partnering with Deep Waves Music (DWM) and CPayne. Whether you’re a club owner, festival organizer, promoter, DJ, producer, record label, or artist looking to collaborate with DWM, this is your gateway to unlocking exciting opportunities.


Explore our comprehensive range of materials and resources designed to facilitate seamless partnerships and collaborations. From booking DWM and CPayne for events to exploring potential collaborations and joint ventures, the Partners Hub provides all the information you need to bring your vision to life.


Discover the diverse array of services and opportunities available for those seeking to align their brand or artistic endeavors with DWM and CPayne. Gain access to promotional materials, press kits, and contact information to kickstart your journey towards a dynamic partnership with one of the leading names in the electronic music industry.


Whether you’re aiming to elevate your event, expand your network, or showcase your talent to a global audience, the Partners Hub is your trusted ally in achieving your goals. Connect with us today and embark on a collaborative journey that promises to elevate the electronic music experience for audiences worldwide.

For Club Owners

If you’re a club owner interested in booking Deep Waves Music for an electrifying live performance, you’re in the right place. We offer a high-energy performance that will immerse your audience in the dynamic world of Electronic Dance Music.


To discuss bookings and availability, please contact us directly at clubs@deepwavesmusic.com and gm@deepwavesmusic.com

For Festival Organizers

Are you a festival organizer seeking an exhilarating live performance for your event? Deep Waves Music specializes in captivating shows that immerse audiences in the dynamic world of Electronic Dance Music.


To discuss bookings and availability, please contact us directly at festivals@deepwavesmusic.com and  gm@deepwavesmusic.com

For Promoters

If you’re a promoter interested in collaborating with Deep Waves Music to organize and promote your event or if you are looking to discuss Deep Waves Music booking for one of your venues, we’re open to exciting opportunities.


Get in touch with us to discuss potential partnerships and creative ventures. Contact us at promoters@deepwavesmusic.com  and gm@deepwavesmusic.com

For DJs, Producers, Record Labels, and Artists

Deep Waves Music welcomes collaborations with DJs, Producers, Record Labels, and artists who share our passion for Electronic Dance Music. If you’re interested in working together, please reach out to us to explore the possibilities.


Contact us at collaborations@deepavesmusic.com

Press Kit

For journalists, bloggers, and media professionals seeking comprehensive information about Deep Waves Music, our press kit is available for download. It includes in-depth background, artist bio, high-resolution images, and more.


contact us at press@deepwavesmusic.com

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